jeudi 24 juillet 2008

Le nu féminin : une question de feeling selon Gabriele Rigon

Gabriele Rigon nous explique sa vision du nu féminin : "My passion is to capture and share the sensual beauty of the female form. The female nude is, for me, nature's finest gift. I am so moved by this aesthetic that I try to translate what I feel into still images. I don't use many models as I prefer to form special working relationships with just a few. I think this is the most important part of taking a great photograph. I have very special feelings for my models and they for me. A recipe of trust, understanding, humour and friendship allows my models and I to relax, to relax in such a way that my camera becomes simply a tool for capturing the moments we share."

De vrais moments de partage avec son modèle... Résultat : une photo naturelle, sincère et pleine d'émotions...

Le Site du photographe Gabriele Rigon

2 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

Très beau, très chic. Merci.

*** Gabrielle *** a dit…

Avec plaisir... et surtout au plaisir de te revoir !